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Get in touch

Rule Set

Q: What rule set does PHXRD use?

A: We are a USA Roller Sports (USARS) club and abide by the World Skate International Rules of Roller Derby.


Q: When does PHXRD play bouts and practice?

A: Our current events and schedule can be found here. Practice dates/times are subject to change. For the most up to date information, please contact us.


Q: Can I drop into a practice?

A: Yes! If you are a visiting skater, please contact us!


Q: What gear do I need?

A: A properly fitted helmet, derby appropriate quad skates (please reach out if you aren't sure if your skates are appropriate), a fitted mouth guard, elbow pads, wrist guards, and knee pads. Reach out to our skaters and ask for recommendations! Also check out Pro's Edge for all your derby gear needs!


Q: Do you accept skaters with no experience?

A: Absolutely! We will train you from the ground up. That means no skating experience necessary!


Q: Do I need insurance?

A: It is highly recommended that you have primary health insurance prior to participating in practices and scrimmages. A USA Roller Sports membership is required to participate in sanctioned games.


Q: Can guest skaters drop in for scrimmages/bouts?

A: Yes! Cleared (passed skills/safety) guest skaters may drop in for $10/event.



Q: How can I support PHXRD?

A: We are a 501(c)(3) organization. You can donate here! If you wish to sponsor us, please send us an email!


We also love volunteers and need all the help we can get to make our events happen. If you don't to play derby, but want to get involved, we are always looking for new referees and non-skating officials!

Drop in practice

Upcoming Orientations

© 2025 by Phoenix Roller Derby. All rights reserved.
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