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Fan Code of Conduct

Phoenix Roller Derby strives to provide a safe and satisfying event for everyone in attendance at our events. We ask for your assistance in creating and maintaining an environment that is free of:


  • Abusive/foul language and obscene gestures directed toward guests, venue employees, PHXRD staff and volunteers, players, coaches, officials, mascots, and vendors.

  • Persons, including participating skaters who may be watching in a spectator capacity, who are disruptive to the event or impair other guests or participants enjoyment will be asked to remove themselves from the venue.

  • Intoxicated or those under the influence of controlled substances.

  • Smoking, except in areas designated as such by the venue.

  • Prohibited entry items such as weapons, non-service animals, air horns, vuvuzelas, megaphones, whistles, laser pointers.

  • Professional cameras, video cameras, and audio recorders are prohibited without prior authorization and proper credentials.

  • Persons without proper authorization or credentials entering or attempting to enter restricted areas, or who are otherwise violating the venue’s rules and restrictions.

  • Game interference (including entering the track or throwing objects onto the track, and extraneous whistles), or other behavior disruptive to the event.


Guests that do not abide by this Code of Conduct are subject to ejection from the venue. If you are refused entry into or requested to leave the venue for failure to comply with the Code of Conduct you will not be entitled to a replacement or refund for your ticket. Entry into the hosting venue shall constitute acceptance of the Code of Conduct and venue regulations.

© 2025 by Phoenix Roller Derby. All rights reserved.
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